Since 2004, OJO has been committed to "Caring for Youth with Heart" and fulfilling its corporate social responsibility (CSR) to meet the needs of young people in society.


From 2005 to 2008, OJO fully supported the "PlaySafe" project by providing the entire project's identity design, including the logo, pamphlet, and gift and premium set. The project was organized by Caritas Hong Kong and aimed to promote youth sex education.


From 2007 to 2008, OJO continued to support the "Hyacinth" project by providing design and marketing consultation. The project was organized by Caritas Hong Kong and aimed to help and guide pregnant young people.


From 2009 to 2010, OJO continued to care for youth services by providing identity design, event management consultation, and sponsorship of the signing contest for the "Starpower" project. The project was organized by Caritas Hong Kong and aimed to promote anti-drug education for young people.


From 2011 to the present, OJO has continued to support Lok Sing Tong and other NGOs by supporting various projects, including social enterprise projects and fundraising events.

OJO DESIGN LIMITED © 1995 - 2024



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